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In 1998 we started to automatise the telecommunications processes in regulation management by using process-oriented software solutions. The numerous regulatory and licensing requirements are challenges for mobile network operators, since these processes often collide with the technically and economically driven radio planning processes. Our target is to develop a product with which our customers can perform frequency coordination and allocation for administration (TKG §55) silently and as automatically as possible in their operational planning processes. We have successfully achieved this with PreHCM Mobile, which has been standardizing the regulatory processes ever since.

In the past few years, the range of products has been expanded to include further operational regulation processes of the mobile network operators. This includes the electronic directional radio registration (PreHCM Microwave) and the electromagnetic compatibility of locations (PreHCM EMF). The software solutions of PreHCM are used by the public mobile network operators to ensure the quality of their location and frequency regulatory registrations. Our project planning methods and technologies continue to develop consistently, but the basic principle of our process solutions remain same: to integrate the regulatory requirements for our customers, which are sometimes complex, into their planning processes as efficiently and as smoothly as possible.

Initially developed by Mentopolis CSC GmbH as a product suite, in 2013 the PreHCM product line was spun off into an independent company as PreHCM Services GmbH.

PreHCM Services GmbH has been a subsidiary of DFMG Deutsche Funkturm GmbH since 2018.


Our teams research and develop applications for telecommunications regulatory management. Our close partnership with various players in this industry enable PreHCM to position themselves as experts for telecommunication regulatory management covering all aspects from licencing, over administrational processes down to technical processes. Our teams comprise of consultants for licensing, regulatory affairs and administrational and radio planning aspects of telecommunication regulatory issues. We implement standard setting solutions and tailor these fitting customer needs best.

Expertise combined with fast and agile teams result in short lead times and deliver quick results. With these capabilities we successfully support our customers in a world of increasing bureaucracy and shrinking budget.

Our cross functional teams are staffed with experts for electronics, telecommunications and IT. This approach delivers not only best results for software design. It is also mandatory for counselling and providing expert studies. This let us evaluate regulatory requirements and predict impacts on our customers business.

Facts and Figures

Exactly 100 % of our staff have the opportunity to work from their home office
Exactly 50 % of our staff are younger than 40 years
More than 30 % of our staff are women
The commute of more than 58 % of our staff have found their way to us through study-related activities

How we work

We act highly flexible and result driven. Kanban and Scrum are mostly used but shaped according to customer requirements and needs. Our long established partnership with our customers made us a part of their transition and allow us to proactively anticipate upcoming demands.

Developers are artists – and so are ours. Creativity demands freedom. We live and breathe a culture of creativity, fruitful dispute and healthy competition for the benefit of our customers. team culture and working ethics that value openness, transparency and flat decision making processes are our key success factors. Stovepipe thinking and hierarchical organisation are not to be found at PreHCM Services. Motivation will constantly fueled by exactly knowing everybody’s role in the livecycle of a product and 100% responsibility will broaden views and add to job enrichment. We enjoy the moment when innovative ideas turned into reality.

Committees and Associations

We act as representative on behalf of our customers towards telecommunications regulatory authorities. We also add expertise to international committees and working groups in this field. We support standardisation processes for data formats, processes, interfaces and improve telecommunication regulatory management.

We believe smart regulation can facilitate reconcilement of interest amongst political and commercial players. PreHCM contributes to bodies and associations to add expertise and to assure practicality of decisions.

Electronic Communications Committee PT1 (ECC PT1)

Next Generation Mobile Networks

Software Working Group Mobile Services

Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft,
Telekommunikation und neue Medien
 e. V.

ISO 27001 Certification

PreHCM Services GmbH as a trustworthy partner

Information security is our top priority because we supply software to KRITIS companies or advice them in specific processes. We therefore regularly have the safe handling of information certified by the auditirs of TÜV Süd.

This requires a constant improvement of business processes and IT technology as well as training measures, which also increase in the security and quality of our software.

Successful re-certification for ISO 27001 

Recertification ISO 27001 at the new location in Niedernberg

Renewal of our ISO 27001 certification 

All areas merged into one certificate

PreHCM Services GmbH Certification as a whole company

Certification of the division for the operation of the OA Portal

Certification of the operation of the HCM reference network