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Antenna Management

Central Management, archiving and forwarding of your Antenna Master Data

AMS - Antenna Management System - is a workflow management tool from the product range of PreHCM Services GmbH from Germany.
AMS efficiently manages and archives the entire antenna master data over the individual product life cycle of an antenna.
We enable you to secure your future-proof data basis for radio planning, application management and EMVU processing.
Merging and exchanging antenna data with other network operators and tower companies already works without media discontinuity.
The routine exchange of antenna data is always an important component, whether for joint use projects at shared sites, applications to the authorities or border coordination with foreign operators.
By using AMS, you can reduce processing times and increase quality by using consistent data.
PreHCM Services has well-founded experience in supporting mobile network operators in process definitions and coordination rounds for over 15 years.
15 years. Software development is carried out taking into account customer-specific interfaces and current software technologies and standards.
For more information and a live demo, please contact us!

Data Management

Knowing these challenges:

Searching in distributed antenna data

  • Each tool stores data of the same antenna only for its own purpose
  • Complete life cycle of an antenna cannot be mapped

Burning too much time

  • Zip directories of the manufacturers have to be sorted laboriously
  • Complicated and manual import of various input formats

Complex data consolidation

  • Migration and comparison of different data sources is very time-consuming

We have your solution!

Central Data Management

  • Company-wide unique antenna master data and designations in one repository
  • Complete life cycle of an antenna can be mapped using a suitable status model

Organized Data Management

  • Easy import of common input formats such as MSI, NGNM/BASTA and manufacturer specifications
  • Variable deployment platform (on-prem or in the cloud) and databases can be implemented

Information Management

  • Ideal information distribution in your own tool chain and interfaces to common radio planning tools
  • Future-proof exchange formats and interfaces (e.g. OpenAPI, BUS systems)

Basic Data Maintenance

Antenna Overview

In the "Manage Antenna Types" mask, all managed antennas are displayed to the user. A variety of search and filter functions allow the selection to be restricted to special attributes so that detailed parameters of an antenna data record can be viewed afterwards.

Antenna Details

In the "Antenna Type Details" mask, data on the status of the antenna and its use can be documented. Here it is also possible to assign operator-specific names. It is also possible to archive attachments such as data sheets.

Physical Parameters

Data sheet information on the antenna can be maintained in the "Physical Parameters" mask. Significant mechanical parameters such as dimensions, weight and wind load are kept in here. It is also possible to maintain the type of use of the antenna and the position of the connections.

Diagram Management

Antenna Pattern Overview

The antenna patterns stored for the antenna type and their electrical parameters (called configurations) are managed in the "Configuration List". It can be filtered according to various parameters (e.g. frequency, polarization, port). By marking the configurations with tags, it is possible to control which antenna patterns should be made available to the operators tool chain.

Antenna Pattern Details

Electrical data from the imported MSI diagrams can be displayed in the "Antenna Type Configuration". Relevant parameters such as frequency, tilt, vertical and horizontal half-power-beamwidths are automatically taken from the stored diagrams and displayed in the fields provided.

Antenna Pattern Visualisation

In the "Diagrams" tab, the imported diagrams can be displayed and evaluated in various coordinate systems (linear, polar) using various scales (logarithmic, linear).

Port Information

In the "Port Information" mask, antenna ports can be maintained in accordance with the AISG / BASTA standard according to the information on the data sheet.

Export Functions

EMVU Export Function

The EMVU export functionality enables envelope diagrams to be exported as a PDF file according to configurable parameters (e.g. frequency range, electrical and mechanical tilt ranges). These envelope diagrams can be attached to the application when applying for a site certificate (StoB).

Tool Export Functions

Using various export functions, antenna data can be made available in various formats (ATOLL, PegaPlan, PreHCM Mobile, etc.) either manually as a file or via Webservices drirecty connected to the operator’s tool chain.


Manufacturer Statistics

The manufacturer statistics provide an evaluation of the number of antennas managed per manufacturer.

Lifecycle Statistics

The lifecycle statistics provide an overview of how many managed antennas are in various product lifecycle.


PreHCM AMS Onpager
Onepager with all important information about PreHCM AMS
pdf 2 MB